Adventures in research
Exploring new areas of life, bringing together communities of practice.

The Un-tiques Roadshow: Letting things go
This research project, in collaboration with the Library of Stuff Hull CIC, uses narrative means to explore what motivates people to donate items into community ownership, facilitated and maintained by a library of things. More information about the project and how to get involved is available on social media. More about the project here

LIRIC journal (editor)
Since 2023, I have been editor of the Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community (LIRIC) journal. Lapidus is the organisation for practitioners, researchers, and academics in the writing for wellbeing field. In this role, I advise, facilitate, and oversee the process of author submissions, reviewers’ feedback, writing editorial copy and chairing editorial board meetings. I am proud to say that through the genrosity and good faith of Lapidus International, LIRIC is a fully open access journal, free to publish in and free to read on the Public Knowledge Project Open Journal System platform:

International Conference of Autoethnography
After five years of involvement on the organising committee of the International Conference of Autoethnography, one of the highlights of my career, I stepped down in 2024. During this time, I have provided guidance and support to new and experienced autoethnographers as they prepare and submit abstracts and presentations. I have planned, facilitated, chaired,and hosted sessions in person and online, through the difficulties of 2020/21 and beyond, as the needs of delegates changed and we discovered the possibilities of online and hybrid models.
Writing and beyond
Creating, communicating, connecting
The Ripples project, from Kultivera and Write4Word, asked English and Welsh poets to interpret a translated poem from Swedish into a video. Swedish poets are now interpreting translations of Spanish poems. You can see my version of Peter Nyberg’s Poem 3 here.

Creative Bridges
The Creative Bridges conference is a bi-annual event hosted by Lapidus International, centering on practitioners and researchers who use writing and words to promote wellbeing . I have been a steering committee and tech team member since 2021.

As a keen performer, I like to join in with our local spoken word event, Away with Words, each month. My poetry has featured in the High Wolds Poetry Festival anthology, where I read this year. I have also been fortiunate enough to read (along with fellow students) with Camille Ralphs at Five Leaves in Nottingham, and was very honoured to be included on the bill for Poetry and Punks at Scunthorpe’s Cafe Indie, in aid of Care After Combat.